Volunteer Process


There are some things to keep in mind and some rules to follow - Just to ensure we get the most out of each person who helps.


Process for new volunteers


- Ask - How much time they have

- Ask - What core work they want to be involved in (Writing, researching, posters, staff (16+), Daisykorps (18+))

- Ask - Do they want to be an "end of day" accomplisher with more pressure, or do they want the process to be relaxed and more "do it when you can"?


- Send the volunteer guidebook or screenshots of this Obsidian project

- Have them pick what they want to do - then they will pick some stuff, and they will be responsible for their checklist. They won't do a bunch of stuff all at once though.

- Sort their roles out


- Answer (and encourage) any questions - thoughtfully, and ask for help if you can't explain anything to them


- Check in weekly, or whenever is best